Digital transformation challenges

Digital transformation challenges


The manufacturing industry has seen countless changes in technology over the past few decades. However, the technology that manufacturing workers use has remained relatively unchanged for 20 years. This is despite the fact that these workers are being asked to perform increasingly complex jobs.

There are a few reasons for this. First, enterprise software solutions can be expensive, technically complex, and difficult to implement. Second, these solutions often lack continuous improvement opportunities. As a result, many manufacturing users and processes have been underserved.

Key challenges faced today:

  1. Tribal knowledge and the skills gap. Senior production workers have accumulated valuable experience and knowledge, but this knowledge is often difficult to capture and share. The younger workforce that is entering the manufacturing sector does not have the same level of experience, which can lead to productivity and quality issues.
  2. Lack of insight. There is a lack of data and insight into how workers are performing their jobs. This makes it difficult to identify areas for improvement and to make informed decisions.
  3. Lack of guidance and accurate information. Workers often have to rely on outdated or inaccurate work instructions, which can lead to errors and safety hazards. They may also not have the right tools or equipment to do their jobs effectively.
  4. Workers are disconnected. The human-centric and job-specific workflows are not digitally integrated into the overall business environment. This can lead to inefficiencies and errors.
  5. Lack of automation. Many manufacturing processes are still manual, which can lead to errors and inefficiencies. Automating these processes can help to improve productivity and quality.

How to solve these challenges with Stryza:

  1. Tribal knowledge and the skills gap: Stryza can help to capture and share tribal knowledge by digitising work instructions and making them accessible to all workers. This can help to ensure that everyone is working from the same information, regardless of their experience level. Stryza can also provide training and upskilling opportunities to help workers develop the skills they need to be successful.
  2. Lack of insight: Stryza can help to provide manufacturers with data and insight into how workers are performing their jobs. This data can be used to identify areas for improvement and to make informed decisions. Stryza can also provide real-time feedback to workers, helping them to improve their performance.
  3. Lack of guidance and accurate information: Stryza can provide workers with accurate and up-to-date work instructions. These instructions can be delivered through a variety of channels, including mobile devices and tablets. Stryza can also provide workers with real-time guidance, helping them to avoid errors and safety hazards.
  4. Workers are disconnected: Stryza can help to connect workers to the digital fabric of the business. This can be done by integrating human-centric and job-specific workflows with enterprise systems such as ERP and CRM. This integration can help to improve efficiency and reduce errors.

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