Establishing a positive manufacturing culture

Establishing a positive manufacturing culture

The current state of manufacturing culture:

No flexibility:

Many younger workers value intangibles like work-life balance and personal autonomy far more than their predecessors. Additionally, the manufacturing industry has no work-from-home possibility because the work is often done on the factory floor, where workers need to be physically present to operate machinery and equipment. Additionally, the manufacturing industry is often subject to strict safety regulations, which make it difficult for workers to telecommute.

Lack of communication:

Poor communication between management and frontline employees can create an information vacuum on the shop floor. This can lead to poor performance and morale, as employees are left to speculate about what is happening and why. In the absence of clear and consistent communication, rumours and half-truths can take hold, which can further damage morale and productivity.

Bad training:

Without proper training, workers can feel lost, neglected, and like just another cog in the machine. This can lead to a number of problems, including: Disorientation, lack of motivation and health & safety risks

Different ways of improving manufacturing culture:


Open communication between all levels of a company, especially erring on the side of overcommunication, can create the conditions necessary for increased innovation from both the frontline and management.


Effective training of new employees can help to reduce mistakes, increase efficiency, and improve safety. However, training should not be limited to onboarding. By providing employees with continuous learning and development opportunities, organisations can also increase employee engagement and productivity.


Technology is no longer something that can be ignored or put off. When done right and implemented properly, technology can help create a more unified and positive company culture by facilitating many beneficial processes, including: communication, collaboration & training

The role of Stryza in manifesting a positive culture:

  1. Improve communication: Stryza can help to improve communication within a manufacturing company by providing employees with a variety of tools to communicate with each other. This can help to break down silos and create a more collaborative work environment.
  2. Provide training and development opportunities: Stryza can be used to provide employees with training and development opportunities. This can be done through video training, dynamic work instructions etc.
  3. Improve decision-making: Stryza can also be used to improve decision-making by providing managers with access to data and insights. This can help managers to make better decisions.
  4. Empower frontline workers: Stryza can empower frontline workers by giving them access to real-time data and insights. This can help them to make better decisions on the shop floor and to solve problems more quickly.
  5. Improve safety: Stryza can help to improve safety by providing workers with access to safety procedures and training. This can help to reduce accidents and injuries.

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